We offer telephone support as well as booked appointments for a face to face chat. Please contact Tarlika Patel to discuss how she can support you. We offer emotional support, information, signposting, referral to financial support where appropriate. We are offering a limited number of complementary therapies. Macmillan Butterfly Centre offers support to patients with cancer and their relatives, in a friendly, relaxing environment. The centre provides information, emotional support, the HOPE (Help with overcoming problems effectively) course to help people who have cancer to get on with their lives, complementary therapies and relaxation. We also offer an image workshop which aims to give patients tips on clothing styles that suit, shopping tips, make-up tips, etc to help them gain confidence when they need it most. We have professional staff and experienced volunteers available to support people affected by cancer. The unit is served by a lift and has a disabled toilet. The buses stopping outside Epsom Hospital are: E5, K10, 166, 293, 408 & 479.
Opening times:
Tuesday - Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm
Find out more:
- Tarlika Patel on 01372 735456
- Esth.cisc@nhs.net
- www.epsom-sthelier.nhs.uk/cancercare